PhD Positions on Probability

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Liverpool has two PhD positions open on probability. The positions are for 3.5 years, with possible extension to 4 years (decisions will be made by a selection committee). The first one is either on stochastic analysis and financial mathematics or on probability theory and Stein method (with Ehsan Azmoodeh), the second one is on random graphs, exchangeability and condensation (with Linglong Yuan and Takis Konstantopoulos).

The application deadline is the 31st January 2021. The studentships are primarily reserved for students who have no restrictions on how long they can stay in the UK and have been ordinarily resident in the UK for at least 3 years prior to the start of the studentship (with some further constraint regarding residence for education). We also encourage EU citizens to apply, but they will have to start their position no later than 1st September 2021 in order to be eligible. In exceptional circumstances non-UK and non-EU students may be eligible.

For more details, please click